
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Mickey Cookie Lollipop and a Birthday Cake!

I had a very productive week!

It seems that sweets were in demand.

I'll start with the Mickey Mouse Cookie Lollipop. The kids and I decided that we had to make these once we spotted them at Cake Central some time ago. Since then, I have seen them around on other sites.. none of which I can remember. So, I remembered to buy Oreos and we finally got to it.

Here is what we started with.
Double Stuff Oreos
Red and Dark chocolate Melts
Lollipop sticks (I had hollow ones, like straws, that worked best)
A Red Starburst fruit chew or fruit leather would work too (optional)
Microwave safe container for melting the candy melts

We melted our red and dipped half the cookie, leaving it on waxed paper to dry.
I found that once the candy coating hardened you can't get the stick in without it cracking. 
Adding the stick while the candy coating was soft worked much better. Also, putting the Oreos in the microwave for a few minutes (before you even get started) will soften the creamy inside of your Oreos to make the stick slide in better as well. 

Next we heated a small pot of water on the stove and used the side of it to slightly melt the edge of a dark chocolate melt and stuck two of them into the creamy centers for ears.
Another option would be to use Mini Oreos and use melted dark chocolate to glue them on as ears.

We wanted Minnie pops too.. so I broke out the Starburst candies from halloween. I microwaved a red one for a few seconds to soften it and flattened it to cut little triangles to make Minnie bows.

Add some white icing buttons or polka dots and Voila!

How Cute is Minnie?

 And the two together....

One little tip on the dark chocolate, if you find it's really scratched up you can rub it with a clean finger and it will be smooth again. In the above pic, Minnie has smooth ears while Mickey's are a little scratchy.

They were not long for this world....


Aside from that, I also whipped up another fondant Birthday cake..

Crooked little cake

Plus this...
I created some extra large fondant sprinkles.. and a cherry complete with stem.



A cute cartoony cake

Watch for my Disney autograph/journal/smash style book! It's almost completed..

Linking up at these link parties..


Thanks for your comments! They are what keeps me motivated.